Labradorite - Metaphysical Crystal Properties

What is Labradorite? What does Labradorite do? Let’s explore the metaphysical and spiritual healing properties of this beautiful flashy crystal.


Labradorite Associations:

Color: Clear white or grey with labradorescence (flash) blue, green, yellow, or red

Mohs Hardness: 6 to 6.5

Zodiac Sign: Leo, Scorpio, & Sagittarius

Chakra: Throat Chakra, Third Eye & Crown Chakra

Where does Labradorite come from?

First found in Labrador, Canada which is where it garnered the name, Labradorite. It is also mined in Finland, Poland, Norway, Russia, and Mexico.

Labradorite Physical Properties

Labradorite is a feldspar mineral stone. It is at 6 to 6.5 on Mohs hardness scale, making it susceptible to cracks or chips. The shine or flash in Labradorite, called labradorescence, is caused by reflections of light within the stone itself.


What are the metaphysical properties of Labradorite?

- helps with regaining energy when feeling drained
- transformation
- protective shield for your aura
- helps with self-expression
- amplifies spiritual abilities
- allows you to listen to your intuition
- helps through change
- provides strength

Where should I put Labradorite?

Labradorite is closely tied with the Throat Chakra, making it a great stone to hold on your throat during meditations or when you want to help balance your Throat Chakra. The Throat Chakra rules communication, loyalty, truth, wisdom, learning and listening.

Labradorite is a beautiful stone that can be placed anywhere in a home or office.