Malachite - Metaphysical Crystal Properties
What is Malachite? What does Malachite do? Let’s explore the metaphysical and spiritual healing properties of this popular crystal!
Malachite Associations:
Color: varying shades of green with dark banding. Can be as light as pastel green, bright green and very dark green.
Mohs Hardness: 3.5 to 4
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn. Also Libra & Scorpio
Planet: Jupiter, Venus
Chakra: Heart and Throat
Element: Earth
Herbs/Oils: Fennel, Ceder, Pine, Sage,
Crystal Pairings: Azurite, Chrysocolla, Amethyst, Tourmaline, Rose Quartz, Turquoise, Shattuckite
Where does Malachite come from?
Malachite is found globally and has been traced back to some 3000 years ago as believed to have been mined in Ancient Egypt. Some of the largest deposits of malachite are currently found in Russia but it is also mined in Congo, Namibia, Mexico, Australia, Germany, Romania, Chile.
Malachite Physical Properties
Malachite is a copper carbonate hydroxide mineral often found in large deposits near copper and azurite. It has been used over time as a pigment paint due to its vibrant green color.
What are the metaphysical properties of Malachite?
- protective stone
- helps to ward off negative energy
- stone of transformation
- enhance creativity
- helps to achieve fame
- helps you love unconditionally
- reveals & absorbs emotional pain
- spiritual guidance
- activates Heart & Throat Chakra
Where should I put Malachite?
Malachite is a great stone to ward off negative energy and works well in your home or office. It’s also a great stone to carry with you throughout the day.
Unlike many other crystals, Malachite does not fade with wear or prolonged exposure to sunlight so this makes it a wonderful crystal to display on a window sill or somewhere near a window.