Tarot Spread - Self Care: Checking In with Yourself

Who doesn't love a self-care tarot spread?! Self-care is the ultimate buzzword these days and although I think it can be skewed in what it really means, I do think self-care and checking-in on ourselves is crucial for our wellbeing.

In case you haven't noticed, self-care/check-in tarot spreads are my ultimate favorites. I love using the tarot as a way to put physical images and symbols to explain how I'm feeling. This helps me actualize my emotions and really examine who I am in this moment.

There is always something deeper to understand about ourselves and how we're functioning.  Having this enhanced understanding of our current wellbeing is really the gateway to a healthy and positive future.

It can be very easy to live our lives on auto-pilot - going through the motions of our daily lives without being conscious. It's a sad reality but it is always a looming threat to our wellbeing, which is why tarot spreads like this one are so beneficial to keep us on track!

I hope you enjoy this tarot spread & that it prompts you to begin more self-care practices. 

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