Tarot Spread - Self Care: Checking In with Yourself
Who doesn't love a self-care tarot spread?! Self-care is the ultimate buzzword these days and although I think it can be skewed in what it really means, I do think self-care and checking-in on ourselves is crucial for our wellbeing.
In case you haven't noticed, self-care/check-in tarot spreads are my ultimate favorites. I love using the tarot as a way to put physical images and symbols to explain how I'm feeling. This helps me actualize my emotions and really examine who I am in this moment.
There is always something deeper to understand about ourselves and how we're functioning. Having this enhanced understanding of our current wellbeing is really the gateway to a healthy and positive future.
It can be very easy to live our lives on auto-pilot - going through the motions of our daily lives without being conscious. It's a sad reality but it is always a looming threat to our wellbeing, which is why tarot spreads like this one are so beneficial to keep us on track!
I hope you enjoy this tarot spread & that it prompts you to begin more self-care practices.

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Quisque iaculis facilisis lacinia. Mauris euismod pellentesque tellus sit amet mollis.
Sed purus sem, scelerisque ac rhoncus eget, porttitor nec odio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Vivamus pellentesque vitae neque at vestibulum. Donec efficitur mollis dui vel pharetra.
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Donec id justo non metus auctor commodo ut quis enim. Mauris fringilla dolor vel condimentum imperdiet.
Commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper.
Quisque iaculis facilisis lacinia. Mauris euismod pellentesque tellus sit amet mollis.
Sed purus sem, scelerisque ac rhoncus eget, porttitor nec odio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.