What Should I Do During the Full Moon? Witch Tips for Full Moon Rituals

Full Moons are a very intense yet beautiful time. Here are some tips and ideas for you to practice during the next Full Moon.

Each Full Moon is expressed differently depending on what astrological sign, house, degree and additional planetary placements - so it is advised to look into the energy of each Full Moon to fully understand how best to use the current energy.

  • Full Moons are the halfway point of each lunar cycle, making them a good time for reflecting and allowing space to finish the cycle positively.

  • Dedicate time to relaxation and self-care is important during a Full Moon as the energy can often feel exhausting.

  • Full Moons can be helpful for releasing what is not serving you or not aligned with you.

  • Full Moons are ideal for cleansing yourself, your space, and your witchy tools (decks, crystals, bowls, journals, etc).

  • Since Full Moons are great for reflection, it makes them the perfect time to journal.

  • Meditation is very beneficial around the Full Moon.

  • Practice gratitude for what you love in your life & what you want to continue.

  • Ritual baths can be a beautiful method for cleansing and connecting with the lunar energy.

  • Incorporating grounding exercises and practices before, during and after a Full Moon can aide you in feeling more balanced.

  • Unlike New Moons, the Full Moon is often not the most ideal time to manifest.

  • Place water under the light of the Full Moon to create moon water that can be used in various rituals & healing practices.

  • Connect with moon deities such as Selene, Yemaya, Khonsu, Shiva, etc. (depending on your culture and practices).

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