Which Tarot Cards Signify Conflict? | Tarot Tips

In this post, we’ll explore some tarot cards that can signify Conflict in a reading.

In a tarot reading, intuition comes above all else. It’s also important to take a look at surrounding cards in a reading to truly understand the messages. However, as a beginner it can be challenging to remember all the card meanings and what they signify.

Let’s take a look at a few examples of tarot cards that can signify conflict.

5 of Wands

The 5 of Wands represents competition and conflicts within a group. It indicates disagreements, differing perspectives, and minor power struggles, signifying interpersonal conflicts and challenges in collaboration.

The Tower

The Tower card signifies sudden and drastic change, often brought about by conflict or a major disruption. It represents situations where things fall apart, old structures break down, and conflicts lead to significant shifts in life.

7 of Wands

The 7 of Wands represents standing your ground and defending your position. It suggests conflicts where you may feel challenged or opposition from others, leading to a need for assertiveness and resilience.

2 of Swords

The 2 of Swords symbolizes indecision and conflicts arising from an internal struggle. It represents a situation where you may feel torn between two choices or perspectives, leading to mental conflicts and difficulties in making decisions.

3 of Swords

The 3 of Swords is a card of heartache, sorrow, and emotional pain. It represents conflicts in relationships, feelings of betrayal, and emotional wounds that may need healing.

5 of Cups

The 5 of Cups signifies disappointment and loss. It represents conflicts and challenges related to emotional setbacks and mourning for what has been lost, focusing on negative aspects rather than opportunities for resolution.

9 of Swords

The 9 of Swords is associated with anxiety, worry, and nightmares. It represents internal conflicts and mental stress, often arising from negative thoughts and fears, leading to sleepless nights and heightened tension.

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