Timing Your Spells with Day of the Week Magick

Once question that is asked a lot in witchcraft is “What is the best time to cast my spells?”

The realest answer is that ANY time you feel called to cast your spell is the best time. When you have the most intention and ambition for a successful spell, that’s the best time for you. it’s as simple as that.

However, if you want to align with collective consciousness, then using specific days of the week to conduct certain spells can be quite helpful.

As a witch who loves to work with the days of the week there are a few rituals, spells and habits I conduct regularly. For example, I almost always post content on Thursdays. It’s the best day of the week for posting my free readings on TikTok. People are more open to spiritual growth and seeking wisdom. Plus with it being the day of luck, I tend to go viral more when posting on Thursdays.

On Friday, I rarely ever post content. I try my best to avoid making plans outside of my house on Fridays. I like to use that day to practice my self-care and self-love rituals. The only time I break my rule is for someone or something special, because Aphrodite/Venus (the ruler of Friday) is a lover of romance and friendships so dates and rendezvous tend to be successful on Fridays.

So what are the best times to cast your spells? Here are some ideas for what type of spell work and ritual works best on certain days of the week.


Ruling Planet: Moon
Spells: Healing, Cleansing, Fertility, Dream Work, Divination, Psychic Abilities


Ruling Planet: Mars
Spells: Protection, Motivation, Competition, Courage, Conflict Resolution, Road Opener


Ruling Planet: Mercury
Spells: Learning, Writing, Communicating, Travel, Automatic Writing


Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Spells: Wealth, Success, Abundance, Luck, Legal, Manifesting


Ruling Planet: Venus
Spells: Love, Romance, Self-Care, Fertility, Friendship, Glamor Magick


Ruling Planet: Saturn
Spells: Protection, Karmic Lessons, Changing Bad Habits, Transformation


Ruling Planet: Sun
Spells: Confidence, Creativity, Self-Expression, Happiness, Leadership, Personal Growth

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