New Moon in Cancer Tarot Spread

This new moon in the sign of Cancer is occurring on July 5, 2024. This new moon is at 14 degrees of Cancer. This new moon is nice and stable because the moon is in it’s domicile in Cancer (meaning the moon naturally rules over the sign of Cancer). With the moon being in it’s domicile, it feels most at home and therefore can fully express itself.

This new moon offers us a fresh start that we can see come to fruition over the next 2 weeks before the upcoming Full “Blue” Moon in Capricorn on July 21. However, what you start at this new moon will really be highlighted over the next 6 months and come to completion when we see the Full Moon in Cancer in January 2025.

This is a beautiful new moon that offers us a lot compassion, kindness, beauty, and harmony due to the proximity to Venus. But it is also at 14 degrees which is a Taurus degree. This new moon, while being in the cozy, nurturing, emotional sign of Cancer also has ties to Taurus; making this new moon the perfect time to manifest money, abundance, and luxury.

Allow this new moon to heal, transform, and release you into a new chapter.

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