New Moon in Leo August 4 Tarot Spread

Here's a tarot spread for the New Moon in Leo. This new moon is occurring on August 4th, 2024 and at 12° of Leo.

This new moon is a great time for planting new seeds for growth wherever the sign of Leo is in your chart. Generally speaking, this new moon you may explore new ways to express yourself and your creativity. This is likely a good time for dating, romance and children. This new moon is quite a happy one filled with joy and excitement for the future.

12° is a Piscean degree, making this new moon the perfect time to hit the pool or beach to enjoy the water :)

The Sabian symbol for 12° Leo is "An Old Sea Captain Rocking." This symbol suggests wisdom, experience, and the ability to remain calm and centered amidst change. It hints at drawing on past experiences to navigate new beginnings confidently.

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