Full Moon in Cancer Tarot Spread | January 13, 2025
Welcome to the first Full Moon of 2025!
This Full Moon on January 13, 2025, lands at 23º of Cancer. At first glance, it might seem like a sweet and nurturing lunation, with the Moon in its domicile sign of Cancer.
But this time it’s conjunct hot and fiery Mars (currently retrograde in Cancer) which adds a more intense energy to the mix.
As someone with natal Mars in Cancer (RIP me!), I can say this: it’s important not to let your emotions completely rule you during this period, but also not to bottle them up either.
Either extreme can result in emotions bubbling to the surface in ways that might shock or embarrass you. Passive aggressiveness, unexplained angst, moodiness… these are all classic Mars in Cancer vibes. So what’s the solution? Balance & self-awareness.
Expect hot emotions, gut instincts, and intense feelings to take center stage right now. It’s crucial to listen to them and honor what they’re telling you. Just try not to let those heavy emotions take control.