Practicing Magick - Tarot Spreads and Journal

Practicing Magick - Tarot Spreads and Journal
I’m so excited to be sharing this magical 100 page ebook with you!
The first 20 pages of this ebook explore different elements of being a witch and a few practical magick spells for you to use in your own practice. After that, we’ll move into the tarot spreads; each tarot spread is followed by a journaling page for you to use.
This ebook is for ANYONE (all genders, religions, races, ages) who have an interest in witchcraft. The 20 page introduction to witchcraft is a beginner guide. The tarot spreads included in this ebook are for all skill levels - some spreads are quite advanced while others are short and simple.
- What is magick?
- Finding your magick & witchcraft
- Brief overview of moon phases
- Explore candle magick
- What are sigils & how you can make them
- How to create your own amulets & talismans
I have chosen 35+ tarot spreads that will help you in your practice of connecting to your magick and what it means to be a witch.
7 of the tarot spreads are brand new, never before seen, exclusive tarot spreads. The rest are all spreads you can find for free on Emerald Lotus!
The spreads included:
- Witchcraft
- Spell work
- Rituals
- Spirit Guides
- Mediumship
- Ancestry
- Manifesting
- Soul Work
- Personal Power
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