Solar Eclipse Tarot Spread

Tarot Spread for deep transformation and transmutation.

Note: feel free to use this tarot spread whenever you feel called. It does not have to be used during a solar eclipse!

As I mentioned in my New Moon tarot spread, I decided to keep that tarot spread a bit “lighter” and keep the more intense energy for this tarot spread. That way you can decide to do one and not the other, you can do them at different times, or you can choose to do them consecutively - there’s no right or wrong just follow your intuition.

This Solar Eclipse energy makes the New Moon vibe even more potent than normal. It’s also bringing us to the end of the Sag-Gemini Eclipse cycle that began back in May 2020 (wow!), think of all that happend to use during that time! Where were you mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually in May 2020 and how has that carried you to this moment now?

This time is wonderful for moving forward, accepting change, and setting your plans in motion for the future. This all sounds fun and good until we realize that to move forward, we need to release what’s holding us back. We can’t keep carrying all that we’ve been storing because it will inevitably weigh us down. Especially when we think about all that stuff from May 2020 until now - just imagine that energetic paranoia, fear, anxiety and stress that we’re all still holding, even subconsciously. I urge you now more than ever to practice some releasing exercises (this can be with candle magic, meditation, writing/burning old fears, etc.) to help you cut the ties with that fear state we were living in (and likely still are living in on some level).

A quote I heard recently that has become my genuine mantra seems fitting now, ”When the desire to experience something better, is stronger than the desire for the comfortable… then your life will change, but not before.”

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