Understanding Numbers in Tarot | Learning Tarot: The Minor Arcana

If you read tarot cards, or have ever tried, you know how complex reading the cards are.

I’ve tried many times to simplify tarot concepts into easy to understand content. People tend to hate it when I do this. They've told me it's “offensive” or “irresponsible” of me to dumb something sacred down... but here we go again babyyyyy!

The numbers associated with each tarot card are challenging to simplify. Each number has a unique significance depending on what suit it's attached to (wands, cups, pentacles, swords). It's also important to consider the other cards that show up in your reading. Astrologically, each individual card is also tied to decans that add another layer of numerology.

This small guide doesn’t give you all the insight you need to know to understand a tarot card. But I hope it helps to provide some guidance if you’re starting out or wanting an easy guide to reference.

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