How Should You Celebrate the Summer Solstice? | Witch Tips

How should you celebrate the summer solstice? Also known as Litha, the summer solstice is one of the best times of year to manifest. It’s great for performing spells to increase abundance, passion, creativity, health and protection. With the vital power of the sun at its highest point, we have the longest day of the year to embrace life.

What can you do to celebrate the Summer Solstice?

Here are some tips you can practice as a witch or spiritual being who wants to get the most out of this special time.

Go outside & soak in the suns energy

Spend time enjoying the sun and its energy as it can purify and restore you spiritually.

Watch a sunrise or sunset

Embrace time outside by seeing the sun at its highest point, when it rises or when it sets. Regardless of when you’re able to get outside, take a second to appreciate the suns glow.

Light candles or have a bonfire

Traditionally, a bonfire and fire jumping were common practices during the Celtics celebrations of Litha. It was said that jumping or crossing through the fire would bring good luck. Please be mindful not to burn yourself, but it can be great to sit near a fire during this time. If a fire is not possible, lighting of a candle can also be done to invoke the energy of the sun.

Infuse solar water by leaving a glass of water in sunlight

Letting the suns rays infuse water can be done for many reasons. Some witches use Sun water similar to the popular Moon water where they will use the infused water in rituals and spellwork. You can opt to drink your solar water for the benefits of the sun (although please do not drink stagnant water and be mindful to refrigerate the water and drink it only within a day or two). You can use the solar water to water plants, cleanse crystals, cleanse your home, make sprays and infusions, etc.

Decorate with gold, yellow, red, orange, green, blue and white

Gold and yellow represent the suns rays. They also symbolize abundance, joy, confidence and optimism.

Red for passion. strength and courage.

Orange for vitality, health, joy and creativity.

Green represents the grass, nature, and the flourishing of new life.

Blue as an opposing color for the flames of the solstice to help balance with the calming, relaxing, watery colors of blue.

White because it is aways appropriate as it purifies and represents all colors.

Use herbs like rosemary, marigold, calendula

Herbs best used during the summer solstice include Rosemary, Marigold, Calendula, Rose, St. John's Wort (do not ingest if you take SSRI medication), Chamomile, Mugwort, Lavender, Hemp, Vervain, Sage, Mint and Thyme.

Use crystals like citrine, carnelian or sunstone

The best crystals to use during the summer solstice include citrine, carnelian, sunstone, golden healer quartz, amber, tiger’s eye, topaz, pyrite, peridot.

Use fire elements in your magickal rituals

Using the colors, herbs and crystals listed above. As well as incorporating flames, candle magick, fire related sigils, flame readings, etc.

Incorporate fire elements in your altar

See above for colors, herbs, and crystals to consider including in your altar. Having gold decoration pieces on your altar can be great at this time. You can also include fairies and Fae themed items on your altar to represents the connection to Fae at this time.

Pratice magick & gratitude

Summer solstice is a heightened time for magickal workings making it perfect to do your spell work, rituals and manifestations. It’s also important to practice gratitude for what the first half of the year has given us, for the seeds that have bloomed from the spring, and for the remainder of the year still ahead of us. Taking time to be grateful for all that we have in life is always a blessed opportunity and the summer solstice is a great time for reflection and shining a light on areas of our lives we want to improve upon.

Strengthen your connection with Faeries / Fae

Summer solstice is known as one of the best times of year for the veil to thin between our realm and the realm of the Fae. With the veil thin, it can be a great time to strengthen your relationship with the Fae by leaving them offerings and paying attention to notice their presence as you enjoy your blissful and abundant day. You can invite them to live in your garden or plants around your property. There is also the dance of the Fae, where many practitioners will dance and let loose to help invoke your intentions an inviting the Fae to join.

Please do note, the Fae can be quite impish and mischievous, so it is important to wear protection and do your research beforehand if you haven’t worked with them before.

Some lovely offerings to leave the Faeries include:

  • Mead

  • Honey

  • Wine

  • Milk

  • Herbs (see list above)

  • Sweets

  • Candles

  • Flowers / Flower Crowns

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