Full Moon in Capricorn Tarot Spread

On June 21st we’ll see a Full Moon in Capricorn at 1 degree. This Full Moon is occurring right after the beautiful summer solstice. Capricorns strong, thoughtful and longterm vision makes for a very grounded and rational energy at this time.

This lunation is a good time to reflect on goals set at the start of the year (or any time) to reevaluate. What energy are you carrying that is no longer serving you? Capricorn doesn’t have the time or energy to carry extra weight of burdens. Allow this to be time to cut it out so that you can move forward with purpose.

Strangely enough, on July 21st we’ll have the next Full Moon that will ALSO be in Capricorn. This is a really strange and uncommon occurrence to have two consecutive Full Moons in the same sign.

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