I am a firm believer that the vibration we emit (our feelings and emotions) attract what we receive in life. We need to be able to meet the relationship we desire vibrationally - how will a healthy relationship appear if we aren't taking care of ourselves?
Read MoreWith the New Year a lot of people feel motivated to make positive changes and this year I've been noticing it more than ever - which is wonderful! But now that we're nearing the end of our first month of the year, I hope that you're still feeling as motivated as you were in December.
Read MoreIf you are experiencing pain or illness and you've tried many methods of treatment with little to no results, I invite you to accept that there may be some underlying emotional factors at work...
Read MoreUse this tarot spread to help set a positive tone for the day. This is a short and sweet spread that you can sneak in before doing all of the other activities on your day to day to-do list.
Read MoreI want to share this past life spread with you guys. My hope is that you will turn up some information about yourself that you might not have known before doing this spread. Or alternatively, it will confirm what you do know but perhaps have not accepted or remembered.
Read MoreI invite you to use this tarot spread at any point where you're feeling a bit stagnant or you're on the hunt to change things up. Change doesn't have to be dramatic, it doesn't have to be bad, it doesn't even have to be difficult - it just has to happen.
Read MoreThis chakra inspired New Year tarot spread came to me in a dream (as some of my tarot spreads do) and I'm very excited to share it with you guys. It's clearly quite different than the standard New Year tarot spread but that's why I like it.
Read MoreHere is a quick and simple 4 card tarot spread to do when you're feeling anxious, stressed or overwhelmed. Use this spread any time you feel you need to regulate your body and get a handle on your pesky emotions.
Read MoreI wanted to create a spread that you could use at any season change to help spread light on the upcoming months. Just a quick and simple spread you can come back to in times of season change or while following your own curiosity.
Read MoreLiving a full and meaningful existence is enough to satisfy the life purpose. But what makes us full? What makes us happy? It's an individual experience that we must discover on our own.
Read MoreI wanted to create this spread to help you find inner peace. It's incredible how the stressors in our life seep into every aspect. We are unable to love fully, listen fully, commit fully and BE FULL when our minds are occupied.
Read MoreFind out which Spirit Guide is currently helping you and what messages they have for you!
Read More“Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like.” - Will Rogers
Read MoreThe last 3 signs for this series are the water signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Emotional, intuitive and imaginative!
Read MoreHere are 3 tarot spreads inspired by the air signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Talkative, intellectual, abstract!
Read MoreHere are 3 tarot spreads inspired by the earth signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Practical, trustworthy and grounded!
Read MoreHere are 3 tarot spreads inspired by the fire signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius! Enthusiastic, energetic and no surprise... fiery!
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