Posts tagged energy healing
Tarot Spread - Setting Energetic Boundaries

I'm an empathic intuitive and I have a hard time when it comes to separating myself from other people's energy. I find it difficult to watch certain shows, listen to certain songs and hear someone else's problem without feeling too much energy that isn't my own.

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Tarot Spread - Clearing & Amplifying Your Energy

I've been feeling inspired to purify. Perhaps it's because spring is near and I'm itching to clean out the stagnant energy that always seems to fill my life during the cold winter months. I wanted to create a spread that focuses on our own energy AND the energy around us. I hope you guys find this spread helpful as we shift into the spring season! 

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Tarot Spread - New Year (Chakra Inspired)

This chakra inspired New Year tarot spread came to me in a dream (as some of my tarot spreads do) and I'm very excited to share it with you guys.  It's clearly quite different than the standard New Year tarot spread but that's why I like it.

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Tarot Spread - Releasing Trauma

This spread will hopefully shed light on how your traumatic experience has shaped your personality, the way you view yourself and your relationships, and how you will change as a result of letting go and moving forward.

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Tarot Spread - All About Love

It doesn't have to be a Hallmark holiday for love to be on your mind! Love is one of the most common themes people ask about when I'm doing an intuitive reading. People try to play it cool by asking questions about work or life purpose first, but without fail those love questions always come popping up.

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Tarot Spread - Crown Chakra

Having faith, seeing the big picture, being more compassionate, understanding the connection to the energetic vortex of higher frequencies & much more, will come when we balance and clear the 7th chakra.

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Tarot Spread - Third Eye

When this chakra is balanced we see someone who is self-aware. They are calm and clear minded - connected to a state of higher consciousness. With a third eye chakra imbalance we see migraines, headaches and even mood...

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Tarot Spread - Throat Chakra

With a balanced throat chakra we aren't afraid to speak our truth. We are humble, honest and transparent with others.  We feel confident in resolving...

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Tarot Spread - Heart Chakra

I encourage you to do this tarot spread with yourself in mind. Ask how you can improve your self-love and how you can begin to forgive yourself.  This will be an important step in your journey of clearing your heart chakra. 

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Tarot Spread - Making the Right Decision

Decision making proves very difficult for a lot of people.  Sometimes we end up missing out on so much of life because we're to afraid to make a decision and stick to it. I created this tarot spread to be a guiding light to some of your decision making problems.

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Tarot Spread - Animal Whisperer

I strongly believe that animals have so much to teach us, the only real barrier is communication. We need to make more of an effort to get on their level to better understand their wants and needs.

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