Posts tagged balance
Tarot Spread - Aligning with Gratitude

I hope this tarot spread will be useful to you when you are looking to find peace in the present. Gratitude does so much for us. It opens us up to bliss, improves our mental health, allows for better sleep, aids our relationships, helps us be less aggressive, makes us more empathetic, and more.

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Tarot Spread - All About Love

It doesn't have to be a Hallmark holiday for love to be on your mind! Love is one of the most common themes people ask about when I'm doing an intuitive reading. People try to play it cool by asking questions about work or life purpose first, but without fail those love questions always come popping up.

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Tarot Spread - Mindfulness

When we get wrapped up in our thoughts and emotions it can be difficult to see things from an unbiased perspective. I hope that this spread can help you start to step outside of yourself and help you identify what holds you back from being present.  

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Tarot Spread - Third Eye

When this chakra is balanced we see someone who is self-aware. They are calm and clear minded - connected to a state of higher consciousness. With a third eye chakra imbalance we see migraines, headaches and even mood...

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Tarot Spread - Sacral Chakra

The chakras are a journey and similar to our mental & physical health, we need to check in on them often to be sure that energy is flowing harmoniously.  This Sacral Chakra tarot/oracle spread can be used at any time to explore and improve the flow of energy.

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Tarot Spread - Coping with Burnout & Fatigue

I have been feeling some burnout from a stressful work week and a packed personal schedule. I recognize that so many of you who do my tarot spreads are healers and spend most of your time in the service of others (wonderful!), so I wanted to share this spread to hopefully help you in times of fatigue or burnout.

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Importance of Disconnecting from Social Media (Ego)

Because of this expectation and pressure (from others and myself) to be active online, it has now become another job. A job I don't get paid for but it's arguably more important than money because it houses and maintains my online personality (ego) and binds my 'connections' (I use that term very loosely) with others.

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