Posts tagged abundance
Tarot Spread - Law of Attraction: Manifest Masterfully

Is there something you've been wanting in life? A new job? A new lover? A passion or hobby? How about some cash? We all have things we'd love to receive so manifest like a pro with my latest tarot spread. I invite you to align & allow the universe to provide. 

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Tarot Spread - Increasing Self-Love

Self-love is not something we can ever fully 'complete', like any relationship it requires constant communication and time.  I created this tarot spread to inspire you to take time for yourself today, even if it's only for this simple spread. 

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Tarot Spread - All About Love

It doesn't have to be a Hallmark holiday for love to be on your mind! Love is one of the most common themes people ask about when I'm doing an intuitive reading. People try to play it cool by asking questions about work or life purpose first, but without fail those love questions always come popping up.

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Tarot Spread - Manifest Your Desires

Manifesting isn't a chore or a burden. If you are doing it properly, you'll agree that it feels better than anything else you'll do today. The feeling of being in alignment is one of the greatest gifts we can experience in our human form. 

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