Posts tagged angel cards
Tarot Spread - Week Ahead

Week ahead spreads are normally quite dull in my opinion. So I figured why not create my own spread that promotes a positive week ahead filled with things that are important to me. I still used 7 cards but rather than each reflecting a day of the week I wanted them to represent an aspect of my week.

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Tarot Spread - Channeling Your Divine Gifts

These are my favorite spreads to do and to share with you guys! Ones that make you feel whole, positive and inspired to find your truth and chase after it. We all have the ability to live our best lives and be the fullest humans possible.

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Tarot Spread - Solar Eclipse

Let’s look at it as simply as we can: The solar eclipse is when the moon passes between the sun and earth. Seemingly covering the sun for brief period. This tells us that we may feel a need...

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Tarot Spread - Angel Guidance

If you do not believe in Angels, this spread can easily be changed to ask for help from you Guides, God, Higher Self, etc. Feel free to change and alter this spread as your intuition guides you.

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Tarot Spread - Heart Chakra

I encourage you to do this tarot spread with yourself in mind. Ask how you can improve your self-love and how you can begin to forgive yourself.  This will be an important step in your journey of clearing your heart chakra. 

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Tarot Spread - Manifest Your Desires

Manifesting isn't a chore or a burden. If you are doing it properly, you'll agree that it feels better than anything else you'll do today. The feeling of being in alignment is one of the greatest gifts we can experience in our human form. 

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Tarot Spread - Facing Life's Challenges

Do you notice yourself continually running into similar challenges over and over again? If so, it's a great indicator that overcoming those challenges is a crucial step on your life path. 

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