This tarot spread will help you check-in with your mental health & will give tips on how to find support, cope and highlight what you should be paying more attention to.
Read MoreThis tarot spread is designed to help you with mediumship. Whether you want to communicate with someone who passed on or...
Read MoreI made this short and sweet tarot spread to help you manifest anything you're currently desiring.
Read MoreThis tarot spread will help you understand where you're being guided, what your intuition is trying to tell you and what your next spiritual breakthrough (or leveling up) will involve.
Read MoreRegardless of what feeling grounded means to you in any given moment, this tarot spread will help you get there as we journey through a meditative tarot reading experience.
Read MoreThis tarot spread can be used for any upcoming changes in your life. If you are feeling drawn to change jobs or career, move house or even country.
Read MoreThis tarot spread will help you tap into the energy of the current new moon & will help open you up to the endless possibilities of what could be.
Read MoreWhat's currently holding you back from fully exploring your psychic abilities? This short 4 card tarot spread will help you find out.
Read MoreMy intention with this tarot spread is to help open yourself up to the changes that are occurring within you (or around you). This tarot spread will hopefully create a stepping stone as you subtly walk through new doors.
Read MoreEvery so often we feel pulled (or called) toward a new phase of our spiritual journey. We can intuitively sense that things are changing and that we're meant to be doing something new but it can be difficult to listen to what that something new actually is. This is when tarot & other forms of divination can be so helpful.
Read MoreI love using tarot for simple pulls to help improve my mood. It's such a great tool for self-awareness and it always puts things into perspective for me. This tarot spread was designed to help you better understand your current state of mind & how you can improve it.
Read MoreNow we enter the 7th chakra on our primary chakra journey. Associated with ecstasy and bliss, alignment and attunement with the Crown chakra allows us to be connected with our Higher Self.
Read More6th on our journey through the 7 primary chakras we enter the Brow chakra, also called the Third Eye. This chakra rules our intuition, dreams, foresight, perception and psychic abilities.
Read More5th on our 7 chakra journey is the throat chakra. The throat chakra rules communication, expression of ideas & feelings, truth, loyalty and honesty.
Read MoreNow we enter the Heart Chakra - an energy centre that houses our love, compassion, forgiveness, guilt, harmony and relationships.
Read MoreNow we enter the Solar Plexus Chakra - an energy centre that houses our personal power, will, knowledge, and self-control.
Read MoreToday we enter the Sacral Chakra - an energy centre that houses our emotions, sensuality, pleasure, and creative energy.
Read MoreWe're beginning the journey at the base of the spine with the very physical and grounding energy of the Root Chakra.
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