Tarot Spread - Soul Work

We can collectively agree that although soul work can be difficult it is the key to making groundbreaking progress of our development. Because we riffle through the depths of our being and analyze, explore and accept what makes us tick & why - it also allows us space to make positive changes. 

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Tarot Spread - Aligning with Gratitude

I hope this tarot spread will be useful to you when you are looking to find peace in the present. Gratitude does so much for us. It opens us up to bliss, improves our mental health, allows for better sleep, aids our relationships, helps us be less aggressive, makes us more empathetic, and more.

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Tarot Spread - Connecting to Your Pendulum

I’ve created this short tarot spread to help you connect with your pendulum before a reading.You can use your pendulum in many ways... on it’s own, alongside other divination tools and even after dreams or meditations to gain clarity. Of course, the options are endless so feel free to be creative in how you choose to use this tarot spread!

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Tarot Spread - Law of Attraction: Manifest Masterfully

Is there something you've been wanting in life? A new job? A new lover? A passion or hobby? How about some cash? We all have things we'd love to receive so manifest like a pro with my latest tarot spread. I invite you to align & allow the universe to provide. 

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Tarot Spread - Embracing My Period: The Sacred Womb

The menstrual cycle, moon time, period - whatever you want to call it... is a very sacred time each month. It is a reminder of the cyclical nature of life itself highlighting the impressive inner clock that the body works on and the physical shedding of the uterine lining, much like a snake shedding its skin.

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Tarot Spread - Next Soul Lesson: Spirit Journey

Thanks to some brilliant channeling from a beautiful friend of mine - she advised me to focus on the next soul lesson to help me find out my next step in life. Rather than spending too much energy focusing on where I'm directing my next step, she encouraged me to focus on the why - the reason behind the next step... the lesson that accompanies it.

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