It's important to question why we're feeling sick. Moments before a fall or a sore throat can speak volumes as to why it happened. This tarot spread was designed to help you uncover the meaning behind feeling ill & how you can go forward with healing.
Read MoreA lot of us share a special bond with our animals. I believe that just like other soulmates they come into our lives for specific purposes. The relationship is important and because of that I am so happy to share this tarot spread with you that will help improve your connection with a pet or any animal you know!).
Read MoreHere is the Emerald Lotus Deck Interview Tarot Spread that I've been getting requests to do for quite some time now. This tarot spread can be used with any tarot deck - new or old.
Read MoreI kept feeling so intuitively drawn to create this tarot spread and I have no idea why... but here it is: a tarot spread to help you reflect on the past year.
Read MoreThis one looks like a pretty little 5 card tarot spread but it sure packs a punch. I created this tarot spread to help us dig right down to our core to better understand our shadows.
Read MoreOne of my most profound lessons this year was very simple: happiness resides in each moment. Bliss, joy and peace are all only experienced in the present. So like I do with so many lessons in life - I created a tarot spread. My aim with this is to help us be present more often so we can enjoy life's greatest gift: the moment.
Read MoreI am sharing this tarot spread for anyone going through a stressful situation. I encourage you to be gentle with yourself regardless of your situation. Remember that so much of the stress we feel is brought on by our own feelings of anxiety. We are capable of so much & are stronger than we think.
Read MoreSomething is speaking to us... something is calling us... we are being inspired to make certain decisions, initiate change, accept what is. I often question, what is it that's calling? Our own free-will, our destiny or predetermined fate, a higher power, a guide?
Read MoreIs this my biggest tarot spread yet?! Just in time for the new year, settle in for this massive 13 card reading inspired by each Astrological sign.
Read MoreThis tarot spread will help you assess which area of your life could use a bit of refreshing. Change doesn't have to be a huge shift, it can be something small that makes a big difference in our happiness.
Read MoreI've created this simple 4 card tarot spread to do on days when you have some time for yourself. How can you get the most out of your day? What does your soul currently desire?
Read MoreThe best version of ourselves resides within. It isn't about changing into someone else but rather it involves going inward to explore the beauty that is already inside.
Read MoreA lot of dreams are enjoyable or worrisome at the time but as soon as we wake up they quickly fade away as we grasp to recall them. Then there is the odd time where we have one of those dreams that we can’t shake after waking up… as the day progresses we continue thinking about the dream, wondering what it all meant.
Read MoreWe all experience tension - sometimes more than others. Whether it's a feeling of emotional tension like stress, pressure, anxiety or physical tension like sore muscles and headaches - we've all been there at one point or another.
Read MoreHow have I never done a tarot spread for finding a lost item before?! This tarot spread will help you find something you've misplaced.
Read MoreThis is a quick tarot spread where you can choose to do the trick or the treat (or both!). I felt like it would be fun to flip a coin or pull a card to choose trick or treat (ex. Major Arcana cards are Treat & Minor are Trick) to see what kind of message you should be receiving this Halloween.
Read MoreThis tarot spread will help you identify some of your behaviors regarding feeling inadequate or like a fraud. The aim is to discover what might be holding you back & how you can move past it.
Read MoreI'm an empathic intuitive and I have a hard time when it comes to separating myself from other people's energy. I find it difficult to watch certain shows, listen to certain songs and hear someone else's problem without feeling too much energy that isn't my own.
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