Tarot Spread - Evaluating an Idea

I recently questioned if something I was dedicating a lot of my time and energy to was worth it. As per usual I used tarot to help me find answers. Here is the spread that I created to help answer my question. I hope that it transfers to your personal situation & gives you some insight on your next steps.

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Tarot Spread - Interview with the Ego

That little voice in our head that speaks to us all the time... What is it saying? Is it helping us reach our highest good or is it perpetuating negative fears like anxiety and worthlessness. I hope this tarot spread inspires you to take a look at the Ego and begin recognizing it more and more. 

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Tarot Spread - Making Sense of the Unexpected

I hope this tarot spread helps you better understand events or situations that have unfolded in your life. My wish is that it brings you closer to fully feeling the emotions (the good & bad) that are tied with the situation, that it helps give you closure and allows you to move on.

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Tarot Spread - Week Ahead

Week ahead spreads are normally quite dull in my opinion. So I figured why not create my own spread that promotes a positive week ahead filled with things that are important to me. I still used 7 cards but rather than each reflecting a day of the week I wanted them to represent an aspect of my week.

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Tarot Spread - Listening to Your Physical Body

Practicing gratitude for our bodies is something many of us forget to do. It isn't until we run into health problems or even a common cold when we realize that we take our bodies for granted. My intention with this tarot spread is to encourage you to bring your attention on your physical body.

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Tarot Spread - Clearing & Amplifying Your Energy

I've been feeling inspired to purify. Perhaps it's because spring is near and I'm itching to clean out the stagnant energy that always seems to fill my life during the cold winter months. I wanted to create a spread that focuses on our own energy AND the energy around us. I hope you guys find this spread helpful as we shift into the spring season! 

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